- I guarantee that I will do my absolute best for you – I will aim for the very highest editorial standards. However, the publishing industry recognises that it is impossible for a single pass of a manuscript to catch 100% of errors. This is why a number of professionals are employed to work on a manuscript before it is finally published. These include substantive editors, copy-editors, layout designers and a final pass from a proofreader before publication. The Society for Editors and Proofreaders guidance says that a copy-editor will usually identify about 80% of errors and a proofreader about 90% of those remaining. In other words, approximately 98% of errors are expected to be caught as an acceptable industry standard. More than this is not considered cost effective. I aim for 100% but cannot realistically guarantee it.
- I guarantee that even if mine is the only professional editorial pass you commission, the changes I make will result in a substantially higher-quality text.
- I guarantee that I will respect your work, your privacy and your confidentiality.