My Services

Proofreading Service icon. Copyright Louise O'Neill Editorial Services.

My proofreading service corrects errors in:

  • typos and spelling
  • grammar
  • punctuation
  • consistency
  • formatting.

Copy-Editing Service. Louise O'Neill Editorial Services.

My copy-editing service allows you to maximise the impact and style of your work. 

It includes a full proofreading service PLUS

I provide you with detailed suggestions for optimising:

  • syntax 
  • cohesion and flow
  • clarity
  • readability in relation to target audience
  • grammar and punctuation choices
  • word choice
  • layout.

Proofreading service for non-native English speakers. Louise O'Neill Editorial Services.

This service is for those with English as an additional language.

It includes a full proofreading service PLUS

a copy-edit for fluency (editing to read like native English).

Image showing academic proofreading service by Louise O'Neill Editorial Services.

For documents  up to 3000 words. For longer documents, please see my custom service for a discount. 

This service includes full proofreading PLUS:

  • copy-edit for coherence, repetition and ambiguity
  • proofreading for academic formatting, eg, Harvard (or other) referencing, citations, quotes, bibiography, etc
  • proofreading of figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations etc.

Editing for the Web Service. Copyright Louise O'Neill Editorial Services.

For content that is to be published online.

This service includes a full proofreading service PLUS a copy-edit offering detailed suggestions for optimising for the web, with a focus on:

  • readability for target audience
  • improving search engine ranking
  • formatting for the web
  • accessibility.

image showing custom proofreading service by Louise O'Neill Editorial Services

I can usually offer a reduced fee for longer pieces (over 3000 words). I am always happy to proofread a short extract (10% of the work up to 500 words) free of charge. You can send me your writing sample and I will return the edited version to you with a quote based on the level of proofreading/editing needed. You can then see my work and decide whether you want to use my service.

If you would like a service or combination of services not listed, please contact me for a quote.